Future Assist – Complaints – Financial Services Guide


The Future Assist Financial Services Guide (“FSG”) is issued by Future Assist Financial Services Group Pty Ltd ABN 34 129 806 042 Australian Financial Services Licence No. 413674 (“Future Assist”). Under section 941A & 941D of the Corporations Act 2001 we are required to give an FSG to any retail client that we are likely to provide with financial services before those services are provided.

The information in our FSG is provided to help you decide whether to use our services. As a client, or potential client of Future Assist, you have the right to ask us about our service, the type of advice we give you, and what we expect to be paid for giving that advice and/or service. You also have the right to know what you can do if you have a complaint about our services. The distribution of this FSG has been authorised by Future Assist, the licensee.


We are required to collect sufficient information from you before we make recommendations regarding financial products. Your adviser will ask you to complete a Client Data Questionnaire before providing any services to you. Your adviser may also collect copies of statements for any existing Financial Products that you currently own. Alternatively you may sign the Letter of Third Party Authority provided with this FSG to give your adviser the authority to collect this information directly from the relevant product provider.

You may choose to elect not to provide information to your adviser. In this case there is a risk that the advice given may be inappropriate for you and your adviser will explain this to you and may require you to sign an acknowledgement of this.

We will only recommend a financial product to you after considering its suitability based on your individual investment objectives, financial situation and needs. Our advisory service will include ongoing reviews of your financial situation, your progress towards achieving your goals, your portfolio performance, insurance needs and any new goals or objectives you may have.

We will provide you with a Statement of Advice (“SOA”) whenever we give advice that is likely to influence your decisions regarding the acquisition or disposal of financial products and takes into account your objectives, financial situation and needs. The SOA will contain the advice, the basis on which it is given and information about fees, commissions and associations which may have influenced the provision of the advice.

In the event we make a recommendation of a particular financial product (other than securities), we will also provide you with a Product Disclosure Statement containing information about the product, which will enable you to make an informed decision in relation to purchasing that product.

It is important that you read all of the documents that are provided to you so that you can make an informed decision regarding accepting our recommendations and advice.

We prefer that you provide all instructions to us in writing (email is acceptable) however we will accept telephone instructions in some circumstances. We may write to you to confirm verbal instructions and require you to sign a confirmation of those instructions.

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